We know that now student can do some part-time job in China. I am a student studying at university and I was doing part-time job in china. I would like to share the experience about it. Firstly it wasn’t so easy to get the job as an international student in china. However it wasn’t so difficult to get the job. There are many company/agency that who are providing the part-time legal job to the students. First of all I got the job offer through the internet and that agency called me for interview. They asked me about my working/student visa but I didn’t have the working visa so I asked them to suggest me to manage it and then they provided me some documents to get the visa. It wasn’t so long process to get the visa just simply went to the university office and asked permission to do that part-time job. The university gave me the permission and provided me the documents to apply for student/working visa. However after getting the visa I joined the job it was so interesting job.

Actually it was English teaching job. I had to teach some Chinese kids, it was great teaching experience with those kids. I had to work for at least 2 hours in a day. My working day was 3 days in a week. Everything was very good the teaching center and other staff were so helpful but there were a little bit problems with Chinese language. Sometimes I had problem to understand Chinese language and teach them English. Any way day by day it was becoming clear and easy to be proficient.

There was no problem with the salary. They were giving the salary in right time but sometimes they were delay to pay the salary but it wasn’t a big problem. In that teaching center I had to work time to time if I couldn’t maintain the time they cut my salary according to the time period that how many hours I spent for teaching. I had to arrive in time and finish the lesson in time. During the working period I had several break time actually the lesson period was divided in short time. I enjoyed with those loving kids.

Meanwhile during the study time I had to even play with the kids and teach them by playing some kind of funny games, it was so interesting. The thing was forbidden to misbehave with kids in china. Even if any kid do some bad work though it wasn’t allowed to punish them. I always had been very friendly with them. Hitting children in study time was totally forbidden. In China it’s the good thing I like that teacher must be very polite and friendly with kids otherwise you goanna be kicked out from the job and you may also be punished according to the Chinese law.
It wasn’t a big problem to do part-time job while I was studying in university but sometimes I had to take more pressure, most of the time it wasn’t stressful but sometimes it was stressful. On the other hand I have tried to do another part-time job in online instead of teaching job but online part-time job wasn’t so easy.
I was working with a company as an advertiser but this job challenging to earn good amount of money so I have decided to quit that online job and continue with teaching job as my art-time work beside my study. Actually English teaching job in china is more easy and convenient especially for native speaker.
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