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International students in China started to get vaccinated against covid-19

   2021-04-22450Browse / 0Reply




Published in:2021-04-22 11:15:50

International students in China started to get vaccinated against covid-19

Following the letest guidlines from the Chinese Government on Covid-19 prevention and control many university in China has taken initiative to offer vaccines to the On-campus international students. A online platform was build for the reservation. Before taking vaccine students were recommended to read a seriese of guidlines regarding the safety of the vaccine and eligibility of those who could be safely vaccinated.

Openion of international students:

All the international students those who took part the the vaccination program were highly appriciated for the initiative. It should be noted that the vaccination program was not mandetory for the international students but voluntarily.

Nanjing university of information Science and technology:

Himel from Bangladesh:

First of all i want to thank Chinese government and our University to arrange this vaccination program in order to keep us safe form the deadly Covid-19. Honestly before get vaccinated i was very excited and little bit strased also, after i regestered i disscus with many of my foreign friends about their feelings about get vaccination. All of them encourage me and they said they are not afraid and are happy to receive vaccination. Finally when i received the shot it was not painful at all and all of my stress were gone like a magic. After i received the shot i was sent to to the observation area for at least 30 minutes, during this time i experienced symptomps that i can speak of. After i finished 30 minutes of observation period i was allowed to leave the place.it was really a plesent experience for me to be a part of such vaccination program.

Suoth East University:

Orion from Bolivia:

Personally I feel like the wait before the vaccine was more stressful than the vaccine itself, but when I received the shot, it wasn't painful at all, and all the stress from being there was gone. After that, we were sent to an observation area in which we had to rest for at least 30 minutes before we could leave, during this time I had no side effects that I can speak of, no headache, pain, swelling or redness. Overall I feel grateful that we can finally get the vaccine, it feels like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we can finally move on to the next stage in COVID-19 prevention.

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