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A Day in My Campus

Himel 2020-03-18 469

The first alarm goes off at 6:50 am for most of the students in NUIST. Those who has a class at 8am at least. Got to go and get that delicious baozi inside before class. If you think 6:50 is too early to go outside and have breakfast its not, that’s just the first alarm set out of many more 5 minutes apart. Nobody can get up just with one alarm set right? Well not me at least. After a lot of pushing around the snooze button finally get up and leave the dorm at 7:20–7:30 am. The canteen usually opens at 6 in the morning. People are lazy, I have seen more people come at9:50 or 10 am than 7 am. Usually comes after the first class that ends at 9:50 or before the class that starts at 10: 10 am. 

The morning class hour is from 8 am to 11:30 am. From 11:30 am to 1:30pm is lunch time and oh boy does the canteen gets crowded. Don’t ever think of having a good lunch if you are just 15 minutes late.  People usually goes outside to eat if they are even a tad bit late. There are good restaurants just outside the campus, and quite affordable. 
After the huge war for lunch comes the second round of classes, starting from 1:30 pm. Well it is a university so I can’t tell you when the barrage of classes stop. For some it is 5:20pm and for some it is 8 in the evening. Dinner in the canteen starts from 5pm. Just like lunch if you are late you are not getting anything good. I didn’t mention before but our canteen is three stories. I am talking about the first floor where it mainly gets crowded. For the 2nd and 3rd floor the system is more like a restaurant, but they also close before 9pm.

Enough about dinner and luncheons lets talk about activities. Student in the afternoon plays a lot of basketball, Football you name it, it happens. Well club activitiesgoes on all the time, whenever there is a little space in between classes they try to utilize that time on clubs and activities. I mean why wouldn’t they it’s a great way to learn and discover your potential, an opportunity to be oneself. 

After evening you will see it all. Student in debating clubs, dance clubs, martial arts you name it. I mean there is even a beatboxing club I have seen in the campus. Yes I know its getting out of hand. And there is also students you will see inside the dorm busy with homework, reading and many shenanigans,

Well ,mainly those are happening between 8pm to up until 12. The college schedule can seem crazy. Doing homework until midnight, playing various kind of games with friends, spending time for exams at the library or just relaxing and chatting at the side of a lake. And that is how days passes by in this university. Surviving college takes hard work. However, at the end you do learn a lot from a university. 

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