Paper and Brushes

Typically, calligraphy is done on thin, absorbent rice paper. Brushes are made from animal hair secured to bamboo reeds. Common hair used comes from wolves, sheep, rabbits and deer.

Chinese ink sold in solid stick form is lavishly decorated. The ink is made from pinewood soot mixed with gum resin. Ink stones are hard, flat and dabbed with water for use.

There are seven standard strokes, called the Seven Mysteries. They consist of the horizontal line, the dot, the sweeping downward stroke, the sharp curve and two forms of the downward stroke: one with a hook and one in a 45-degree angle

There are five major styles of Chinese calligraphy: Zuan, Li, Tsao, Hsin and Kai. With all, the palm may not touch the brush, which is held vertically to the paper.
akib hossain