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admin 2020-03-18 1031

In January2020 we have started our vacation. It’s the best moment in student’s life – exams finished and now we can spend time with our family and friends, enjoy the free time, traveland relax.When we were in chill mood,suddenly the bad news came to our life. 

First of all we didn’t pay attention about the new virus, but at the end of the January 2020 the news started spreading: “the coronavirus is a global health emergency, more and more cases reported every day.” This came just a few days before the Chinese Lunar New Year. Therefore, the amount of fear started increasing among international students like me, wondering if we would really be safe.

I went to travel to a beautiful Hainan island: sun, weather, food - everything was so fantastic, but enjoyable time was stopped by the new horrible decease. I was thinking that who were staying in our school – NUIST, they are safer than who travel and far away from home.

When the epidemic situation became more and more dangerousI couldn’t relax and was so scared, because places full with people before became empty.  Shops, restaurants, parks were closed then.

Face protective masks, so precious for everyone, were sold out very fast. I was feeling myself helpless, that I even couldn’t buy one mask, but I was lucky enough to get masks in some pharmacy.  Peoples started panic; foreigners (students, workers, travelers) started going back to their country to be safe. What should I do now? Actually I was so confused - should have gone back to my country or stay in China?Even the hotel owner went back to her village, so we were only two peoples in the hotel.

Whenever I went outside it was feeling like I was  watching horror movie in real life,in that critical moment my class teacher Ms. 许梦颖Laoshi was always trying to encourage me to be strong and take good care of myself , and she was always contacting with me to know about me and my health condition. 

Our teachers were always reminding us to be safe and follow the safety tips to protect us from COVID-19. After talking with my teacher;I was feeling stronger.  I am not alone! I have my university; I have my teacher to support me to overcome the epidemic situation.

We, as was recommended, just stayed in hotel. Cooking, eating and watching movies.Every dayI was getting messages fromMs.许梦颖 Laoshi, even other teachers were reminding us the safety tips again and again, in NUIST teachers are so much careful about students. 

Anyhow, one day our school gave us a notice to come back to our school as soon as possible.  But it wasn’t so easy to get the ticket to come back to the school during that time. 

My class teacher helped me a lot to came back to school. When most of the students were going back to their country I feel myself much safe and protective in China.  I decided to stay in China, in NUIST.When I was coming back to the school my teacher was always contacting with me.

During my journey I had two interchanges to arrive to Nanjing. I was so afraid to travel, but when I came to the first railway station in Hainan I was amazed to see the protection procedures. There were many guardians, doctors, thermal scanner, and some ambulances too.  The medical staffs were checking everyone’s temperature. They were wearing protective dress, mask and gloves and were ready to fight against COVID-19. 

I passed the thermal scanner and get into the train, the interesting thing happened, as usual I was waiting to begin the train journey, but after few minutes I was thinking why the train is not moving?  I was getting nervous that I could miss mynext train, butthe magic happened right after 40 minutes. I checked my location and found me in the middle of the sea! It was really awesome- the whole train was on a ferry,it’s the first experience in my entire life. 

Nanjing south railway station, January 2020
By the way it was about 12:23 am at the midnight when I arrived in front of our school gate. The guard was not letting me to enter the university. I called to my class teacher and she talked with the guard and then they allowed me to enter. But it’s not the end of her good caring.
Quarantine: after entering the university I went to the new dormitory. The teacher already informed the ayito manage a single room for me for 14 days quarantine.

When I was registering to the new dorm, suddenly I got a phone call from my teacher and she told me that there is no blanket or something to keep me warm in that room,so she said that she is worry about me that I can get cold. She suggested me to came in front of my dorm and take my blankets.

 I am so much appreciating to my teacher that she takes care of us like a family. Until I got into the room and said her that everything is ok now, till she was contacting with me. During the quarantine period everyday she asked me about my health condition.

Constantly I had to check my temperature twice in a day and send her the information. Those 14 days I was only allowed to go out from my room only for food. Without meeting with friends it was really boring to being in room all the time, but I knew it’s all about our safety. 

After finishing (14-15) day’s quarantine I came back to my room and finally can relax.
I respect you, my dearMs. 许梦颖Laoshi! I am so much appreciate and thankful to my best teacher ever Ms.许梦颖Laoshi!

Since the outbreak, strangers have not been allowed into the university and from February the authorities have become even more alert. To ensure that the NUISTER’S in the campus are safe from the virus, anyone entering the university is now required to check temperature.Additionally, we have also been requested to fill out an online form daily - confirming our location, our body temperature and our health status to our teachers, especially who are still in other cities in China.

During this epidemic situation we are safe and good here in NUIST, the university opens a shop for us where we can buy what we need,and even they open a canteen for us where we can buy food with cheap price.  Now the situation is becoming very good, the affected people’s rate are decreasing and cured people’s rate are increasing.

I think there is no other country that can control this kind of epidemic situation, how the Chinese government has been doing it. I feel myself safe and peaceful in China. From my point of view China is the best place for living and NUIST is the great institute for the higher education. Although the situation is under control in Nanjing but still we can’t go outside from campus, but we can enjoy inside the school. We can go for walk, we can run, and we can play.  The university is much conscious about our health and safety.

I love China, I like China.We are always with China. I hope everything will be fine very soon. We will begin the enjoyable life, is not so far.  We fight against the virus together; we stay along against COVID-19.I’m very thankful to everyone – university’s authorities, teachers, ayis, workers- you helped us to be strong in this hard time and care of us like a family!

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