Before we talk about this, let me introduce my self. Hi! My name is Maggie Nathalie, you can call me Maggie or MG. I have a Chinese name which is 林明珠 (read: línmíngzhū), and some Chinese friends call me by 阿林 (read: ālín). I’m a student at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology or in short, NUIST. I’m studying International Trade and Economy, and this is my 4th year studying in China. Well, if you pursue the same dream like me to study abroad especially to China, then let me tell you things you have to prepare well before coming to this gorgeous country!

There are some reasons I’ve carefully considered before I finally decided to study in China. Do you know that China is a new favorite learning destination? For 10 years, the popularity of China as a destination country has skyrocketed. The increase in the number of international students reaches an average of 10%, which shows that China has a slick quality of education. You can master at least 2 languages at once, and go travel when studying in China! It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

While the cost is cheaper than if you go to other developed countries to study, you’ll also have a great opportunity to have a good career in China’s big companies because many large companies that these days are all over the world were born in China. Isn’t it great?
So, if you pursue the same dream like me to study abroad especially to China and achieve those dreams,
then let me tell you things you have to prepare well before coming to this gorgeous country!

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