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Chinese Street food中国街头小吃 (zhong guo jie tou xiao chi)

2021-04-12 493

Street food is an important part of Chinese eating culture. The strange and delicious foods are hidden away in narrow streets and sometimes look unclean. But street food is a good way for people to relax and satisfy the taste buds. If you are a street food lover and relish the experience of new food tastes, read on to see what the popular street foods are in China.

Most Popular Chinese Street Food

Street food in China is very popular for its low price and good taste. But the street food is diverse in different regions as China is vast. Here is a list of Chinese street food popular all over the country.

Steamed bun 包子bao zi:

There is rather a lot of variation under the general heading of ‘baozi’, but figuring out what’s what by yourself is part of the fun.

Image source: internet

Street Crepe煎饼 jiānbǐng:

The street crepe ,jiānbǐng, also widely known as the “Chinese pancake”, is especially popular among the northern Chinese. The cook only needs a small stall to carry the ingredients and hot plate. These simple stalls always attract many street food lovers. You only need to wait two minutes for it and it’s ready to serve!

Image source: internet

Dumplings 饺子jiao zi

Filled with vegetables and/or meat, jiaozi – or Chinese dumplings – are common street foods. They are shaped like ancient gold ingots, which were believed to bring you good luck. They are often shallow fried or deep-fried and eaten with a dip of soy-vinegar sauce for flavor. One bite releases a mouthful of hot, juicy broth that reaches every sense on the tongue, creating an explosive mixture of flavors. Jiaozis are eaten all throughout the year, but more so on Chinese New Years.

image source: internet

Stinky Tofu(臭豆腐 chòu dòufu):

Stinky tofu is very unique among street food. Some people can't get past its smell, as its rancid spicy stench can be stomach turning. It's an acquired taste, much like blue cheese. Many reject it at first, but when they have a bite, they fall in love with stinky tofu. Try it if you dare!

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