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Can you play these traditional Chinese game? These are the most popular Traditio

2020-08-18 266

The Chinese have always created games. Whether it is simple card games or games with much more complicated pawns, they have never lacked imagination in inventing games.This list of games will definetly help you approche Chinese people and also can have fun while hanging out with your Chinese friends .


Wei’qi 围棋, a very popular traditional game in China,. This game is of Chinese origin, it will be introduced in Japan in the 8th century, but it is actually much older. Scholars and generals loved this game because it is akin to the art of war. In appearance the game may be reminiscent of checkers, hence its nickname "Chinese Checkers", but the rules are quite different.


How to Play: This is a two-player strategy game on a grid board (19 vertical lines and 19 horizontal lines). The tokens are simple stones without an inscription. The rule of the game is to form territories and conquer those of your opponent by capturing his pawns.


Xiang’qi 象棋 is a derivative of a game of Indian origin and may be reminiscent of our Western chess game. It is a board game that often requires a lot of thought and patience


How to Play: In this game, everyone has an "army". The game board is 9 lines wide and 10 long. To win, you have to put your opponent's king in check. The main difference with the normal chess is that in the center of the board, separating the two players, is a "river" limiting the movement of certain pieces. The characteristics of the pieces in the game are more or less similar. However, the names of the pieces change: a general, mandarins, horsemen, elephants, chariots, etc ...



It is arguably the most popular game in China, for the elderly but also for the young. The creation of this game dates back to the Tang Dynasty in the 19th century, so it is quite recent.

How to play : To play, you need four players and 144 plastic, bamboo or ivory tiles (obviously the most common are plastic). On these tiles are drawn Chinese characters, circles, flowers, dragons ... Each player has 14 tiles at the start of the game. Tiles are placed in the middle of the table and everyone can collect a tile from the table by placing a tile from his game. The game ends when a person has put three of a kind, a square, a straight and a pair in their hand. You will understand, this game is generally very lively.

This article is taken from http://The-hongyue.com/blogs/infos

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